was presented at the Public Knowledge Project conference on July 12, 2007 at the SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, Canada. The presenters, Ms. Naina Pandita and Mr. Sukhdev Singh from the National Informatics Centre, India, discussed the transition of Indian biomedical journals to an “open access” model. OpenMED@NIC is an open access archive for Medical and Allied Sciences where authors can self-archive their scientific and technical documents. The goal of OpenMED is to provide free access to academics, researchers, and students working in the area of Medical and Allied Sciences and promote self-archiving. It is designed to archive peer-reviewed publications (preprints, postprints and accepted theses) in the following areas: Bio-Medical, Medical Informatics, Dental Nursing and Pharmaceutical Sciences, currently offering a bibliographic database of over 70 peer reviewed journals.
Important aspects of the open access database:
- involvement and training of journal staff
- file organisation and naming policy that follows the medIND site design
- content page layout browsing and searching along with implication on IndMED database and cross linking
- MedKnow Publications http://www.medknow.com/
- J-Gate (e-journal portal) http://www.j-gate.informindia.co.in/
Open Access Repositories from India http://roar.eprints.org/index.php
Distribution of open journal journals in India:
- 50% Reserach Institutional or Departamental (12)
e-Theses (3) - Reserach Cross-institutional (3)
- Other (3)
- e-Journal/Publication (3)
- Promote open access journal culture in India
- Launched a Yahoo discussion group on Open Access Digital libraries
- Assisting non-medIND journals with OJS
- Provide training to open access journals' editors
- Assisting Indian Journal of Medical Informatics to adopt OJS

Ms. Naina Pandita & Mr. Sukhdev Singh at the PKP conference at Vancouver, Canada.
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